
My name is Thomas Bowling and I have worked as a Licensed Professional Counselor for the past 30 years. I have always had an interest in Sports Psychology and found that my own endurance running was the perfect place to continue practicing the development of a positive mindset.

In February 2022, I completed my Ultra Running Coaching Certification with UESCA. I closed my private practice counseling office of 21 years at the end of March and I'm thrilled to start my second career as an endurance running coach.

I have a great passion for ultra running. I'm proud to be part of the San Antonio Rockhoppers Trail Running Group. We are an informal group of trail runners who share the joy for trail running and racing. In 2007, we belonged to the Hill Country Trail Runners out of Austin because they were organized, had resources, and veteran ultra runners with wisdom. A year later, we decided that we needed some autonomy and an identity of our own. We kicked around a dozen or more names during a weekend run in Government Canyon State Park and the name "Rockhoppers" stuck.

I started running some road races in 2000, then a friend suggested I train for a marathon when I broke my nose playing basketball. I ran my first marathon in 2004 and got hooked. I ran a half dozen trail races, then tried my first 50K in 2007 - this almost completely cemented my transition from roads to trails. Since that time, I have run over 120 trail races, ultras, fat ass and virtual events. Needless to say, I love to lace up my trail shoes and line up at races!

I want to share my passion for running with others, but want to bring a little of my counseling background into it by helping others achieve specific and personal goals. I feel so much joy seeing others' visions come to life.